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We know the costs are astronomical, that’s why we'll gladly work with you and your budget.

Your wedding should be a joyful occasion, not a financial burden.

All price quotes and initial consultation are free, with no obligation what-so-ever!!!!

If you have a set limit your looking to spend, let us know. We'll more then gladly work within your budget and give you a couple of ideas to start, and we can go from there.

If you have a fantasy of what you'd like your wedding to be, let us know and we'll give you a price quote.

The starting point to your dream wedding



Elopement/Basic Package: $100

Ideal for the couple who wants a quick, private wedding ceremony. This is a simple, prewritten ceremony performed at your site. No preliminary meetings or rehearsal is necessary. Basic elements include a brief introduction, a brief oration about marriage, exchange of simple vows, optional giving of rings, pronouncement of marriage, and filing of marriage license to the appropriate authorities. Religious or non-religious. 10 guest maximum. 



Vow Renewal: $100

A vow renewal is a ceremony in which an already-married couple re-affirms their love for one another and their commitment to their marriage by either repeating their original wedding vows, or by writing new vows to reflect their relationship as it currently is. Many times, a renewal is held on a significant anniversary as part of the anniversary celebration. Or the desire to have a vow re-affirmation may be brought on by the end of a

hard time in the marriage, the overcoming of a personal hurdle, a change in lifestyle, etc. Still others want a formal renewal ceremony following a civil ceremony or elopement. This may be the only opportunity to have their commitment to one another blessed and/or witnessed and celebrated by their family and friends (usually when budget, pregnancy or

other circumstances warranted a small wedding). Because a vow renewal is not a legal ceremony, there are fewer do’s and don’t’s than in a wedding ceremony. What is appropriate and meaningful to each couple is different. Because it is so open-ended in its possibilities, couples should put a little extra time and thought into what they want to say and do at their renewal.




1 Standard Package (for Friday, Saturday or Sunday wedding): $225

2 Standard Package (for weeknight wedding): $200

For the couple who is seeking a simple wedding ceremony. Choose your ceremony from our samples. Up to 3 are offered to you.

However, this standard ceremony does not contain any of the elements that bring other people into the ceremony (i.e. giving flowers to mothers, readings by friends, etc.), or that add symbolism and/or cultural richness (i.e. Unity Candles, breaking the glass, sharing wine/water/food, tying the knot, jumping the broom, religious elements, etc.), though one of these options could be added for an additional fee. Religious or non-religious. Since this ceremony is not personalized, it does not require preliminary

work or meeting with the couple. Rehearsal optional. Includes limited emails and telephone consultations and filing of the marriage license.

NOTE ON CUSTOMIZED PACKAGES: The level of customization needed and changes that occur can be avoided by preparation on your part. Please read through any materials that I send to you and discuss with your partner, in a general way, what you feel about what you want. This will help give me some direction when discussing your special ceremony. Once you receive the script, walk through it and see if I’ve addressed

all the aspects you want to include. This is the time to make corrections and/or additions. Later changes involve more preparation and, thus, an increased fee.



Do-It-Yourself/Semi-Custom Package: $300

For the couple who is interested in putting together their own custom ceremony, but needs a little direction. You can create your own ceremony using my extensive collection of vows, ceremonies and readings, and follow the outline I provide. I recommend this

option only if you are comfortable with your own ability to put together a complete wedding ceremony using the resources I provide. I will provide minor editing of your “rough draft”, turning it into a beautiful, custom ceremony. Your final approval must be received no later than two weeks prior to the ceremony or additional charges will be incurred. Includes limited emails and telephone consultations to decide what elements

you want in your ceremony, final customization of your ceremony script and filing of the marriage license.



Custom Package: $350

For the couple who is seeking a more personalized wedding ceremony. Your final approval must be received no later than two weeks prior to the ceremony or additional charge of $50 will be incurred. Includes unlimited emails and telephone consultations to decide what elements you want in your ceremony, custom ceremony script, and filing of the marriage license. All customized ceremonies start at this level. Increases in level and cost come about only if either 1) ongoing changes require ongoing work, or 2) I am given less than three weeks to prepare a complex ceremony. All customized ceremonies also include my expertise in coordinating what occurs at the ceremony. I work with your attendants, family, friends, service providers, and/or various site coordinators to make sure that there is a smooth flow from before the ceremony starts to its conclusion. This is the time for you to relax!



Extreme Customized Package: $VARIES

Some people want and need to be in very frequent “control” of all aspects of their wedding and have frequent contact with me. Others want to create a ceremony that is so complex, so different, or so unusual that it is obvious to everyone that there can never ever be another such ceremony. You know who you are. You may want your hand held

up to the last moment. If this is the case, this is the level you should be thinking of. Please call  for details.




This package is for the budget bride and groom who's on a tight budget, but still wants a dream wedding. With this option you name your price or your budget and we work with you to stay within that price range, insuring you a wedding at a great cost, without compromising the quality.

You get up to 6 pre-written ceremonies to chose from, and add one wedding element (unity candle, rose ceremony, sand ceremony)

Yes you can have that dream wedding without worrying about finances.

Please note that some of the other fee's and services described may apply, especially if extreme travel to and from the ceremony is expected. However we'll gladly work with you to cut those fee's down.



With Options E & F you receive access to our Ceremony E-Book. This book is packed with over 50 pages of ceremonies. That can be picked from and under certain circumstances be pieced together and edited to fit your needs. Also comes with our popular ceremony worksheet.




1: Rehearsal: $25, $50 or $100

Rehearsals are often not needed. Keep in mind that I coordinate the actual wedding ceremony. However, I am very good at running fun, efficient rehearsals. A rehearsal is often helpful if the processional is complex or involves many people. Rehearsals are also often valuable if the wedding site is small, configured in an unusual way, or if there are

many potential obstacles (either physical or choreographic) to be considered. I am happy to work with site coordinators if they understand that the flow of events has already been worked out uniquely for your wedding…and that I am most familiar with the needs and

the choreography of the ceremony.

An initial run-through usually takes about 15 minutes, and a quick second run-through usually takes another 10 – 15 minutes. This all depends on everyone being present within a short time after the rehearsal is scheduled. Please make sure that everyone who is needed will be present when they’re expected. If the rehearsal doesn't start within 10 – 15 minutes of the scheduled starting time, then you are on your own!

For a “mini-rehearsal” that takes place 30 – 60 minutes beforehand on the day of the wedding, there is a $25 charge. A 30-minute rehearsal is $50, or – if you’ve got members of your bridal party who are notoriously late or a particularly complex ceremony – you may want to book my services for an extended rehearsal of up to 1-1/2 hours for $100, this would also include the night before your ceremony.


2: Saying a blessing at the reception...or not: No fee

Many people are unsure of whether or not to invite me to a reception following the wedding. Some people not only want me at the reception; they expect me. I am almost always available to stay. Other people consider me to have done my job following the ceremony. Often the expense of or space available for including me as a guest is

unreasonable. I totally understand such situations. If you want me to attend your reception, please let me know at your earliest possible

convenience. If you can't accommodate me, please also let me know that my services are completed either following the ceremony or following hors d'oeuvre.


3: Exclusive booking rights for your entire day: $300

Having exclusive booking rights gives some brides the peace of mind that I have no other commitments on that day, especially if you’re concerned that your ceremony may not

start on time. This could also allow for a full rehearsal (up to 1-1/2 hours) on the day of the wedding, at any time after 9 am. but sooner than two hours before the scheduled ceremony start time, as well as saying a blessing at the reception (if desired). Time limit of exclusivity is10 hours for me to be at your location.


4: One extra hour of time: $60

This extra hour is helpful if you are worried that your ceremony may not start on time, or if you just want the extra peace of mind of having your officiant arrive earlier than usual or stay later.This extra hour may also be used to do a 30-minute rehearsal that takes place up to two hours before the scheduled ceremony start time.


5: Using your own vows: No Fee

This is your wedding, the most important day in your life. This is when you tell the whole world how much you love your future spouse. vows are the most important aspect of the ceremony. Using your own vows is highly recommended and encouraged. If help is needed a $10 fee will be imposed.



Bundle additional services 1-5 together and total is $300 a savings of $120 over purchasing them separate.


7. Additional items/miscellaneous: $Varies$

This is for those that have unique requests.  Themed wedding where you want the minister in a certain costume. Need minister to rent a PA system. Don't have time to purchase unity candles, leave it up to us. Please note that these fee's are non-refundable and must be paid in full at time of booking.


6. Fuel Surcharge: $Varies$

Within 60 Miles of Bertha/Wadena Area: No Charge

Within 60-120 miles: $40

Over 120 miles: $Please Contact$

See our service are link for more help in determining potential fuel surcharge


8. Lodging : $Varies$

This fee is used should the minister need to travel long distance to your ceremony and you request a day before rehearsal or for extremely late night or early morning weddings. We impose this fee for our ministers safety to insure they are well rested, able to safely arrive to your ceremony and officiate it. We will work with you to find reasonable priced lodging within a reasonable driving distance to your ceremony. This fee may be required to be pre paid for prior to booking and may be non-refundable (per lodging cancellation policies)




Late Fees

I will charge an additional $60 per half hour if I have to wait more than 30 minutes past

the scheduled starting time of any ceremony. My ability to wait more than 30 minutes

will be solely at my discretion. I may waive the late charge, at my discretion. No refund

will be given if I am not able to perform the ceremony because of any delays within the

stipulated time period. This must be paid in cash and in full prior to ceremony start

Reschedule fees: $300, $500

Imposed if you need to reschedule within 4 weeks of the ceremony $300. If within 2

weeks of ceremony $500. You then must work around my schedule as I may have other

weddings or plans. Must be paid at time of reschedule and non refundable

Reservations and Retainer Fees

A retainer fee of 40% of entire ceremony cost MUST be paid in advance and is required,

along with a signed contract, to book a date and time for a wedding. Retainer fees are

not refundable should the wedding be canceled for any reason per contract. Payment in full in the

form of cash or cashier’s check or money order or via Paypal is due two weeks prior to

ceremony date. If balance is not received two weeks before the wedding date then time

and date reservations are canceled and may be booked by other parties, without exception

and without notice. If you need to make partial payments, you may do so as long as you

have paid in full two weeks prior to ceremony date. Reservations made with less than 21

days remaining until the wedding require a 100% non-refundable payment.

Please mail and make retainer fee payable to:


You will receive a notice (via mail or email if available) acknowledging the

receipt of the retainer fee and confirming your date and time booking.


Availability for weddings is based on a first come first serve basis and my schedule. I can

not guarantee reservations without a contract and retainer fee.



We reserve to right to refuse any request for a reservation and I further reserve the right to

refuse to perform any service that I am not comfortable with, even though a reservation

was accepted. If a wedding service that has been reserved is not performed, then a refund

shall be due in the same form received and/or based on the terms of the contract.

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