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Genral FAQ'S

1:] Question: What denomination are you?
Answer: We are a Non-Denomination Christian Group. Meaning we do not belong to a certain religious organization. (IE: Mormon, Catholic, The Way, Jehovah Witness) We are purely Christian.

2:] Question: How did you come up with the name of your church?
Answer: The Church Of Learning is just that. A learning experience. God is far to great for one man to fully understand, so myself and my fellow church members teach each other the meaning of his great word. We openly discuss my weekly sermons, and what we can learn from them together as a group. I like to call it "group therapy".

3:] Question: Why do you not worship in a fancy church type building? Do you really use your home for a church?
Answer: We believe it's not where you worship God but how. Deuteronomy 6:5 (NIV) says, "Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength."

4:] Question: What happened to you internet radio station?

Unfortunately, due to a breach in security we regret to inform you that we will no longer be able to offer radio programming. We thank you for your concern and continued interest.

5:] Question: What kind of counseling do you offer?
Answer: We offer religious counseling based upon scripture and other works of faith. Our counseling services are designed to help with marriage and other conflicts. We are not medical doctors and these services are not a substitute for medical treatment. Please refer to the legal information page for additional information in regards to these services.


6:] Question: What does your church have that others do not?

Answer: All religions have doctrines or teachings that they swear by. Any ideas that don't fit within their spectrum of beliefs are simply shunned or ignored, noted as being incorrect. Our church has something many churches do not, religious tolerance. This means that we welcome all people, regardless of religious affiliation or system of belief. We believe firmly in freedom of religion and support any and all faiths with an open mind.

7:] Question: Are you an extension or branch of Universal Ministries?
Answer: No. We were at one time an independent congregation of Universal Ministries. However we are no a fully recognized legal ministry, with our own beliefs and doctrines.

8:] Question: I noticed you quote scriptures from different versions of the Bible, why?
Answer: We are a Non-Denomination Christian Church. We follow the Holy Scriptures/Bible instead of a regular denomination. People consider the King James Version ,the Bible Catholics use; The New World Translation, what Jehovah Witnesses use; and so on. Yet if we take a look we see that all translations say basically the same thing. (Exodus 6:3 reads, "And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them. (KJV)" "and I appear unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, as God Almighty; as to My name Jehovah, I have not been known to them; (YLT)" We see the name of God in these two different translations.) So we use different versions, to show that we're not of one specific denomination, instead we are Christians. And we let the Holy Scriptures/Bible do the "talking" and teaching instead of a specific doctrine teaching.

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